A bully is not just a meanie, it can also be a nice-ie.
Pro-nonduality people exist because it’s out of the norm for a person to be okay with the personality when they see that the personality is ultimately a lie.
Anti-nonduality people exist because it’s out of the norm for a person to be okay with those who are not okay with the personality being a lie.
Wolves are wolves regardless of whether they’re wearing sheep’s clothing or not. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You get the idea.
A seasoned spiritual seeker might ask: Why does there still seem to be an underlying sense of conflict and division in teachings that are supposed to be highlighting the peace and/or unity of existence?
In the words of Rodney King: Can’t we all just get along?
If you look closely, there’s an overarching evolutionary agenda at work behind this. Human beings are clearly evolving, not just from apes, but from the state of consciousness that wholeheartedly believes that it’s separate from the rest of life and that opposing life (to some degree) is just plain and simply unavoidable.
The anti-nondual mind envisions a reality with human beings holding hands, dancing around in a sunlit meadow with birds chirping together in unison. The pro-nondual mind envisions a reality where they receive a gold star from themselves for proving to themselves that they don’t have a self. Both minds however, are just that: minds; generators of multiplicity.
We’re not evolving from the individual towards the collective, we’re evolving from the splintered mind-made collective towards the realization of the alone individual. And of course, it’s through that individual aloneness that cosmic aloneness becomes realized.
When you realize that you’re alone, completely cosmically alone, being in opposition to life makes no sense anymore; claiming that there’s a wrong way and a right way of seeing and interacting with life makes no sense.
When human beings stop yelling at their hands for growing fingernails, the concept of nonduality will vanish, as will all of its proponents and opponents.
Life untouched is a celebration. Celebrating those who try to touch it is how the party starts.
Nonetheless, nobody really wants to be a Debbie Downer or a Debbie Upper; nobody wants to be Debbie period. Debbie will never understand what it means to be alive, truly alive.
Just remember though, the party can only proceed when Debbie is sent an invitation.
(She’ll never receive it of course, but it must always be sent).
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