
The Book of Fire

The Book of Fire:

A Self-Inquiry Journal For Ending Illusion

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A self-inquiry journal for examining your day to day fears consistently so that you can wake up out of them and experience real freedom directly.


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Take This Journal And Set Fire To Your Fears…

  • Write Your Life

    Begin this journal with the Life Review ~ recap your life story to gain deeper insight into the mechanics that fuel the search for freedom.

  • Review Daily

    Start each day by recording your morning intention ~ list the predominant fear that will be faced. In your evening recap, record the day’s events and where fear was an operative force. Repeat this practice daily and witness the fire of self-inquiry grow.

  • See The Mastery

    Record your insights and realizations every 3 months using the quarterly mastery marks and see for yourself just how powerful consistent daily inquiry can be.

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A 6″ x 9″ Hardcover, 365 Day Fire

Have A Look Inside:



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This journal is not a tool for glorifying the personal story, but rather an opportunity to relinquish it. Its methodology is very straightforward: Examine your day to day fears consistently so that you can wake up out of them and be free.

This journal is for spiritual seekers who are tired of settling for positive-sounding ideas and beliefs about spiritual enlightenment and who are ready for the real thing. Direct experience is the only true path to Self-realization; this obviously means that any fears that are currently being experienced directly must be met and acknowledged if one is to directly experience freedom for themselves. This journal is the fire in which your fears will be burned.


Buy Now For $30

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