
Superman Just Wants to Sing

Written by Kyle Hoobin

December 13, 2022

I had to have a sit down with my two boys the other day after they had gotten into an argument and were digging their heels into their own positions, justifying their unkind behavior towards each other. After several failed attempts to break the shell of their resistance, it became apparent that part of their refusal to budge was that they were perceiving this atmosphere of openness as ‘weak’ because it was requiring them to come clean about what they were actually feeling underneath their anger.

It was at that point I felt it necessary to remind them of what true courage is and that the brand of courage that they’d been exposed to through movies and video games, was in fact, cowardice.

Side note: Try as I might to be a gentle, aware, loving parent, I’ve still taken the approach of not trying to shield them from the world and so have been pretty laxed about the crap they consume even if it’s been created by human beings completely asleep at the wheel. Although I held it back as long as I could, you can now come into my living room at any time to find AK47’s mowing down retreating soldiers and chainsaw-happy zombies hanging helpless college students on rusty hooks so that they can die long and painful deaths.

I then asked them “what requires more bravery, to rough someone up and shoot them in the face if you disagree with them OR to make eye contact with them and tell them how you’re feeling?” I then pointed out how our world is full of people who are afraid to be courageous and open, who go to great lengths to hide this fact by repackaging their fear as courage in the form of fantasies like
Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman and every other super hero you can think of (sans captain underpants of course).

Unfortunately, it was obvious from their body language that I had quickly been relegated to a part of their brain that tells them to nod when appropriate and pause here and there in order to create the appearance of self-reflection.

Rather than continuing to try and turn water into wine, I gave up and said they could leave the table- I then proceeded to chase each one of them down and tickled them under the armpits to the point where they almost peed themselves laughing. Though this unexpected turn of events was not directly related to the situation we were just discussing, it did have the desired effect: it showed them very clearly that the state they were just in was just that: a state; a temporary surge of unexamined heavy emotional energy that needed to come to the surface to be released. Through that laughter, it became obvious to them that their seriousness was not who they were and neither were the positions they were trying to defend.

While the boys may not have consciously understood the transformation that took place when that happened, their subconscious certainly did- which is all I sought to affect in any case.

Have you noticed? Emotional states are like mini dreams; sometimes like fantasies and other times like nightmares- they appear to come out of nowhere and seem like they’ll last for an eternity when you’re in the midst of them. Unfortunately, often times we base our persistent behaviour and world view on the inaccurate assessment of reality that’s made during these fleeting highs and lows.

That’s when an unexpected compliment from a passerby evolves into telling yourself you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread which eventually leads to you strutting down the sidewalk with your collar flipped up humming the lyrics to ‘Stayin’ Alive’. Or, conversely, that’s when your humming is interrupted as you turn the street corner and are mugged by a couple of teenagers, which then evolves into you no longer taking walks in the evening, which leads to you buying a gun and peering through your living room curtains in your underwear day in and day out.

Allowing emotions to dictate your life will never go well. You wouldn’t wait for the sun to come out before you step outside would you? If only some emotions are allowed then only some of life is allowed too. When you entertain emotional preference, you adopt an unnecessary identity and you live in fear; in any moment, one dark cloud could send you running for cover.

Rather than pedestalizing some emotions and condemning others, why not just see them for what they are: impermanent vibratory disturbances that create the soundtrack of your life. Just as a string on a guitar must be agitated in order for music to be made, life’s unexpected twists and turns are needed to agitate your nervous system so that the drama of your life path can unfold with rhythm.

After all, life is never dull for long is it?

You can’t escape the human experience- you can only awaken to how it operates so that regardless of what song is playing, you’ll always be able to sing along.

Copyright © 2022 Kyle Hoobin


  1. Kay

    Oh my gosh I loved this!! The part about your boys was hysterical but also very insightful! I laughed out loud and that was a good thing! Thank you for the bit on emotions. I’m getting that 🙂 So glad you opened your blog back up! I just love your truth with a bit of humor thrown in! Thank you Kyle!! <3

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Thanks Kay! I’m glad it resonated and struck a funny bone ?. Feels good to be back at the blog too ?? I’ll keep’em comin!

  2. Lynn

    Yes, this morning I found myself in a very rare confrontational mood that I had nothing to attribute it to. At first, I resisted it, which caused me to want to pick a fight- not like ‘me’ at all. I mean, I’m 65 years old; I should know better. My husband was wise enough not to go there with me. So, then I just let it be. I told my angry self that it was okay to feel that way. That it was supported and loved anyway. It was safe to feel like that and I didn’t need to understand it, either. I felt this inner smile creeping up and thought that would be the end of it. But it arose again. So I let it be, allowing the feeling to be there. I had no need to ‘share’ it with anyone.
    I got in the car and a loud confrontational rock song came on and it was perfect! I laughed at myself while I animatedly sang along to lyrics that portrayed my mood to perfection. By the time I pulled into the store parking lot it had vanished.
    I love it when Source provides like that, and it always does, as long as I allow it to, like the many times you have appeared in my life , Kyle, unexpectedly through Kindle Unlimited or emails and now this blog. Thank you over and over again!

    • Kyle Hoobin

      The beauty of cosmic timing.. love it. And I love that you knew to roll with it… to rock and roll with it! I’ve had a few spontaneous car bust-a-moves myself- thank you for sharing that Lynn… ??

      Rock on!

      • Lynn

        It’s my pleasure.

        • Kyle Hoobin


  3. John

    Real world experience. To bad we can’t use the Tickle Function (is that FN99?) on adults or on ourselves. Actually, I think we can to some degree. Sometimes a difficult situation can be softened with a bit of humor.

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Good point! Nothing squashes seriousness like uncontrollable laughter… ?+?=✨

  4. Giselle

    Beautiful Kyle ❤️
    I got my son GTA5 for his 6th birthday because he wanted it really bad. ?
    (Funny, you wrote this post on his birthday! He turned 14. )

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Ha! Just another gentle reminder from life that you’re a wonderful Mom after all. <3


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