Not to worry, this is not another New Agey article providing you with the latest tricks for manifesting the life of your dreams. In fact, if the authors and supporters of “The Secret” were to catch wind of this, they’d probably lose their shit. I’m just kidding of course, however, to make my point a little clearer, I’ll just lump them all into said category.
This message is not so much for those who have a burning desire to create as much as it is for those who have a yearning to dissolve into creation; to align their personal will with the already-happening, already-being-created, already-thy-will-being-done flow of life that is this very moment of now.
If you have such a yearning, then it’s likely that you’ve already experimented with ’creating my life my way’ or the ‘abracadabra code’ for a long time and are finally starting to see the futility of it all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against visualization, after all, if done cleanly (from a detached state of consciousness) then it becomes one of the most beautiful acts of trust and gratitude that a human being is capable of. There’s nothing more innocent and trusting than feeling into what you need fully, seeing it in your mind’s eye, taking action towards it, and then letting life make the final call on whether it’s the right time for it to fully materialize or not.
That’s all I’m really talking about here: acknowledging when there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
You were never meant to be head chef, just the sous chef at best. Actually, scratch that, your place isn’t even in the kitchen at all, it’s out in the restaurant at one of the tables, looking over the menu, taking in all of the options that are available to you.
Let’s roll with that metaphor a little bit more and see what we can squeeze out of it…
When you’re in alignment with the flow of life (the one will of life / whatever happens next), you find yourself being waited on in a fine restaurant that’s entirely there to serve you. You’re grateful for the options that the menu provides but defer to the chef’s suggestion since she’s far more skilled in the art of food preparation and flavor combinations. When the food arrives, even if it’s full of flavors that you weren’t expecting, you welcome the experience in the interest of expanding your palate… trusting that it’s opening your body and mind to a whole new world of possibilities that you hadn’t even considered before.
When you’re in opposition to the flow of life (when it’s ‘my way or the highway’), you mistake the fine restaurant you’re in for Burger King and cling to the menu, ordering predictable food designed to keep you temporarily satiated and sleepy. When you pick up your order and the food doesn’t quite meet your expectations, you throw a tantrum and yell at the pimple-faced teen behind the cash register while demanding to see the manager stationed at the deep fryer who’s picking their nose and scrolling their phone… (while completely unaware that this is all just a projection as you sit in that fine restaurant at that table with fine linens and silverware… and complimentary buns… with 2 different kinds of spreadable butter). You fall into a pit of despair and resentment and try to drown out your disappointment by returning to the soda machine for a third time… only it’s all out of ice now. You throw your fries in the air and fall to your knees wondering why life is so unfair.
You get the point; welcome what comes and you’re free, want something else and you suffer.
After all, it’s not that you want what you want anyway, it’s that you want something that will remove the wanting.
Wanting is a rejection of what’s given. What’s given is exactly what’s needed the moment that you receive it. The more you welcome what’s given the more free you become of wanting. How can you experience want anymore when what’s given is always enough?
You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you are. Welcoming the moment means you are acceptance, gratitude, celebration, and love. Guess what shows up on your doorstep next?
Well said Kyle!
Glad you enjoyed it John! 🙏
…You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you are. Welcoming the moment means you are acceptance, gratitude, celebration, and love. Guess what shows up on your doorstep next?
I knew I was missing something about manifestation, and this makes it so simple and clear. On some level, I was still trying to create without realizing it and feeling a little confused in the process. Now I see the difference and this really resonates with me. Now to put it to practice…<3
Thank you for this clarity, Kyle!
❤️ You’re more than welcome Tambra, and I’m glad the Burger King bit didn’t distract from that 😉 🤓
Kyle, this is the best thing I have ever read!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
welcome what comes and you’re free, want something else and you suffer. I love that line, but I love all of it too!!
Welcoming this article = celebration! Thank you for being the proof in the pudding Kay 🙏🎉❤️
What a synchronicity! Minutes before reading this article, I had just listened to my son who was worried to death about not being able to find a job. He’s been trying to “manifest “ and stay positive, but seeing no results has put him in panic mode. I didn’t have the words to calm him so I just listened, knowing myself to accept this situation as it is. It’s very hard to watch people suffer who don’t know about loving what is.
I can’t wait to have him read your wonderful article!!! If people only knew the peace and power in letting go.
Thank you so very much, Kyle!!
Timing is everything! I’m happy it arrived on schedule 😉 My son is almost at the age of looking for a job too, so perhaps I’ll circle back to this when the time is right ❤️