
Forget Enlightenment, I Just Want To Be Happy (Silent Transmissions: Issue #7)

Written by Kyle Hoobin

February 13, 2025

“Forget enlightenment, I just want to be happy.”

No, you don’t.

Everyone is seeking enlightenment (completion) because everyone thinks they know who they are. When you think you know who you are, you believe yourself to be incomplete. There is no other reason to think that you know who you are. When you believe yourself to be incomplete, you search for completion. The search for completion can show up in many forms (disguises), including the attempt to maintain your supposed incompletion or the attempt to project your supposed completion. It’s your attempts themselves that prove you’re still searching. It’s your attempts that appear to provide substance to who you think you are.

Whether you call it completion, incompletion, enlightenment, unenlightenment, that next job promotion, or that last job loss, any attempt to define and therefore maintain an alternative version of ‘what’s simply so, here now’, is what keeps consciousness asleep.

When you finally stop attempting, you stop searching. When you stop searching, you stop being. When you stop being, you start starting.


Life itself is always starting, have you noticed? That’s why it’s always ending too; the very essence of its nature is to impulsively “make things new again.”

When life is no longer a work in progress, you’re dead. Either your body just crapped out, or the psychological knot of your psychological self is attempting to keep what’s been made in place and prevent it from being unmade.

Most human beings are walking dead people; imaginative character contractions of consciousness that claim that life can be brought to life and kept that way.

Life never stopped life’ing; never stopped renewing itself. If anything says otherwise, tell it to piss off.

So, whenever you’re uncertain if you have a pulse or not, pull a piece of paper out of your wallet with this scribbled on it:

Seek and you will not find.

Ask and it will not be given.

Knock and the door will remain closed.

You can’t find what has already been found.

You can’t receive what has already been given.

You can’t enter where you already dwell.

Kyle 1, Jesus 0.

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  1. Kay Miller

    Well, your fundamentalist Christians might have a problem with that last part, but I love it! Wonderful message Kyle!! ❤️

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Hahaha…. I can’t say many cross my path anymore, but I’ll be on the lookout… thanks for the heads up! 😜

  2. Ethan

    If you don’t stop all this crazy talk I’m gonna tell Jesus on you! Then we”ll see how long it stays “Kyle 1 – Jesus Zip” . . .

    Your opening chain of reasoning doesn’t make any sense to me, but the whole piece is very freeing, and laugh-y, to read.

    I wish you’d made more of your opening challenge: “No you don’t.” I get that, but it still would’ve been fun to hear some scathing detail about the reality of being “happy” or of wanting to be happy.

    Anyway, thanks for a great piece!

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Ah, not to worry, me and J go way back. 😜 I was short on time today to write the article and so I agree it could have been fleshed out a bit more. Here’s the chain of reasoning in a nutshell: Nobody wants to ‘find’ happiness because the search for happiness comes from a fundamental rejection of reality here now.

      Identifying as someone at all means that you’ve rejected the fact that you’re no one (after all, nobody’ness can feel very incomplete). If you’ve rejected your nobody’ness then that means you’re searching for completion (enlightenment) through an attempt to attain permanent somebody’ness.

      If that still feels unclear or if you want more scathing just let me know. 🙏

  3. John Hannides

    Hey dude,

    It’s all one big or maybe not so big human context in which we live work and have ourbeing. Yes it is BS. But having that perspective and realization puts one in a different place. Realization is a good thing. It’s liberating. You only get into trouble when you follow back into the context and believe it.

    • Kyle Hoobin

      That’s one of the frequent recommendations I make as well… “live life out of context” …Amen 🙏


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