
Does The Universe Care About You? (Silent Transmissions: Issue #4)

Written by Kyle Hoobin

January 22, 2025

Does the universe care about you?

As it happens, to ask such a question means that you’ve been duped. Nothing to be ashamed of, after all, you’re in good company. 99.9999999% of all human beings are either in a state of total dupedness, 75% dupedness, 50% dupedness, or 25% dupedness (scientific study to follow in future article). Rare are the human beings who are recovering dupers.

So just what have we all been duped by? Birth. Being born. Coming into a world that’s specifically designed to fool you into believing that you’re separate from everything else. The very act of being born into flesh and bones means that you have been tossed into a cacophony of psychological mazes intended to pull you away from your center and have you question your connection to the rest of life.

After all, on the surface, you’re just a body with a name and a face and nothing more, right? A body amongst billions of other bodies living on a planet amongst billions of other planets all situated in a galaxy amongst billions of other galaxies. You must be so utterly insignificant. Oh, and to make matters worse, you have an expiration date. Talk about being the butt of a cruel cosmic joke.

Fortunately, that’s all wrong. That’s all so wonderfully incredibly wrong that if we realized just how wrong that is we would likely explode into a thousand orgasms.

Yes, it may be, that for the time being, you’ll just have to take my word for it. So be it. At least I know that at some point, you’re going to find this truth out for yourself (if you haven’t already). Just knowing that alone is worth a few thousand orgasms in itself.

What truth am I destined to find out exactly?

That in spite of appearances, everything is you because there is no you specifically. That it’s okay that everything is impermanent because everything is made of nothing and is therefore already eternal. That you ARE eternity itself. That you’re inseparable from all that ever was, is, and ever will be. That you’re never going anywhere because you’re already everywhere that you could ever go to. That the only thing that could ever be taken away is the illusion that anything could ever be taken away.

Does the universe care about me then? 

Does your nose care about your arm? Does your finger care about your foot? Do they even need to? Is not the fact that all your limbs are part of one unified organism enough to know that each has a vested interest in the other? That what happens to one inevitably affects the rest?

The whole takes care of itself not because of morality, but logicality. It’s illogical to try and act independent of the whole.

Can you imagine if your leg suddenly decided that it was separate from the rest of you, called itself Bob and tried to start living its own life? The rest of you would try its best to correct this mistaken identity through whatever means necessary. Naturally, leg-Bob would interpret this course correction as a threat and fight at all costs to maintain its independence. Leg-Bob would likely start to question if the rest of you really cared about it since your intentions didn’t always support its own. Life would start to seem truly unfair to leg-Bob. Poor leg-Bob.

If only leg-Bob realized that things didn’t have to be so hard, that life could improve vastly for itself if it saw that it wasn’t really the one in control. If only leg-Bob surrendered its delusional, inefficient, and cumbersome will to the greater will of the whole; then life would start to flow much more smoothly, much more fluidly.

At last, leg-Bob could return to doing what it does best: being a leg (on the body of God).

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  1. Tommy

    The universe does not care if you eat the knife or eat the apple

    • Kyle Hoobin


  2. John

    Thanks Kyle! Really loving these witty and instructive pieces.

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Awesome John, I’m happy they’re making their way to you 🎉😄

  3. Tambra

    “The universe does not care if you eat the knife or eat the apple.”

    Really? Because I, for one, would hope you’d choose the apple! <3
    But doesn't the universe show that it cares by what it manifests as a result of our choices? Because choosing the knife over the apple would certainly present a different result from choosing the apple. I mean, there is still cause and effect, isn't there? And aren't they expressions of the universe (but without fault or judgment, of course.) So, what am I missing here?

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Hey Tambra, I think Tommy was emphasizing the impersonal nature of unmanifested consciousness. I don’t think it’s a crime to view the universe as caring though in the sense that existence itself (manifested consciousness) is an honouring of the experience of duality; a logical expression of the dark with the light, and as you mentioned, through the law of cause and effect there will always be a gravitation away from the dark towards the light. Consciousness is naturally drawn towards becoming free from limitation, so in that way there is an inherent underlying movement towards positivity that’s built into the fabric of reality (negativity = heaviness = limitation) (positivity = lightness = freedom from limitation). ❤️

      • Tambra

        Oh, yes! I like that! Thank you, Kyle.

        • Kyle Hoobin


  4. Kay Miller

    Oh poor Leg Bob! Hahaha! Thanks for making me laugh, smile and see the truth! I’m loving your blog post Kyle!!

    • Kyle Hoobin

      Poor leg-Bob just can’t catch a break 😜❤️🙏


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